What charm is the dancing feet jinx? Celebrity.fm #1 Official Stars, Business & People Netwo

Extended Description. Tarantallegra, the Dancing jinx, apparently causes uncontrollable jerking and twitching in the legs of the person against whom it is cast. It can apparently can be stopped by the Finite Incantatem charm.

What does the Tarantallegra spell do? The Dancing Feet Spell (Tarantallegra) was a charm that made a target’s legs spasm wildly out of control, making it appear as though they were dancing. It worked on both living and inanimate targets, so long as it had legs.

Simply so, What spell did I create with Badeea? Magical abilities and skills

Spell creation: Badeea invented the Star Shower Spell with the help from Jacob’s sibling and Severus Snape, along with the jinx Flipendo Maxima, a highly powerful version of the Knockback Jinx, both whilst she attended Hogwarts.

What is Rictusempra? The Tickling Charm (Rictusempra) was a charm that caused the target to buckle with laughter, weakening them. It also had at least one other side effect.

What is Salazar Slytherin’s signature item?

Salazar Slytherin owned a locket emblazoned with the letter S that became an heirloom of his last known line of descendants, the Gaunts.

Also What is Doxycide? Add chopped dragon liver and stir vigorously. Add a dash of hemlock essence and stir again. Add a glug of cowbane essence and a dash of tormentil tincture.

What does the spell Mimblewimble do? The Tongue-Tying Curse (Mimblewimble), also known as the Tongue-Tying Spell, was a curse that tied the target’s tongue in a knot, preventing them from making coherent speech.

What does the spell Specialis Revelio do? Specialis Revelio was the incantation of a charm that revealed any spells performed on objects or potions. It was a variation of the Revelio Charm.

What is the incantation for a memory charm?

A Memory Charm (also known as Lockhart Memory Charm or Forgetfulness Charm) is a spell that can be used to erase memories from an individual’s mind. The incantation for this charm is Obliviate.

What is the correct incantation for the levitation charm?

Levitation Charm
IncantationWingardium Leviosa (wing-GAR-dee-um levi-O-sa)
Hand MovementFile:Levitation-charm.png
EffectMakes objects fly

What incantation shrinks an object Reducio?

The Shrinking Charm (Reducio) was a charm that caused an object to shrink. It was the counter-charm to the Engorgement Charm, causing enlarged objects to return to their original size.

What is the spell to tickle? The Tickling Charm ( Rictusempra ), also known as the Rictusempra Charm, is a spell that causes a victim to buckle with laughter. It also has at least two other side effects on the victim.

Tickling Charm
IncantationRictusempra (ric-tuh-SEM-pra)
Hand MovementFile:Tickling-charm.png

What does the Harry Potter spell NOX do?

The Wand-Extinguishing Charm (Nox) was a charm that caused the light at the end of the caster’s wand to be extinguished, thus acting as the counter-charm to the Wand-Lighting Charm (Lumos).

What was Snape’s spell?

Sectumsempra was a curse invented by Professor Severus Snape that lacerates the target and causes severe haemorrhaging. Snape created it as a student of Hogwarts, with the intention of using it against his enemies, likely including the Marauders, and it became one of his specialities.

Who is the true heir of Gryffindor? If it were known that Ginny is the Heir to Gryffindor, it makes it that much more symbolic that Riddle, Heir of Slytherin, took her into the Chamber. The whole situation mimics the centuries long fight between Godric and Salazar and their respective houses.

Is Hermione heir of Slytherin? The only reason Hermione wasn’t put in Slytherin is because she’s muggleborn. … Ambition, resourcefulness, cunning, cleverness, and fraternalism are all traits Hermione Granger possesses. They are also all traits of a Slytherin.

Can Tom Riddle look at the Basilisk?

He didn’t look at the basilisk’s eyes. … Also, Tom Riddle can control Basilisks with his Parseltongue, so even if the Basilisk was able to kill Holograms using it’s killer gaze, Tommy boy would’ve stopped it from looking at him by talking to the Basilisk.

What is a Wideye potion in Harry Potter? Two of the ingredients, Wolfsbane and Dried Billywig Stings, can be found in book 1, chapter 8, moment 3.

What is the forgetfulness potion?

The Forgetfulness Potion was a potion which caused an unknown degree of memory loss in the drinker. The recipe for this potion could be found in Magical Drafts and Potions; its key ingredients included Lethe River Water, mistletoe berries, and Valerian sprigs.

What is the Wideye potion in Harry Potter? The Wideye Potion, also known as the Awakening Potion, was a potion which prevented the drinker from falling asleep and could also be used to awaken someone from drugging or concussion. It acted as an antidote for the Draught of Living Death. Its recipe could be found in Magical Drafts and Potions.

What does protego Totalum do?

Protego totalum was the incantation of a protective enchantment used to shield a certain area or dwelling for an extended period of time.

What does Cistem aperio do? The Box Blasting Charm (Cistem Aperio) was a charm that was used to blast open trunks, chests, boxes, or other containers.

What spell did Leta cast?

Charms: Leta was shown to be accomplished with charm-work. In her third year at Hogwarts, she successfully cast the dark charm Oscausi on a Gryffindor girl who was speaking spitefully about her, sealing her mouth shut.

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